Amish Brown Bag Tour

I paid $75 for this optional excursion from the COA fairgrounds. There were two buses with folks from the rally that went on this tour. My bus had 35 people and I heard that the other bus had just a few more than that. We left the fairgrounds at 8:00 AM.

Stop #1: “Rise and Roll Bakery”. This is the bakery I talked about in an earlier post. When we entered the store, we were each given a complimentary cinnamon caramel donut hole. They also had cups of coffee available for anyone that wanted one. Many folks purchased donuts and various items to go. I only had some coffee. As we were walking around the store my friend Theresa who is from Texas showed me a box of Apple Crisp Mix. She said, “I took this photo”. Theresa works in IT, but she also does food photography. She took the photos for this company for all of their crisp boxes. If you are interested, here is a link to her food photography. Theresa Fernandez Photography | Dallas Food Photographer. At this stop we picked up our Amish tour guide. His name is Ovis

As we drove through Amish country Ovis told us about himself and a lot about the Amish lifestyle. Ovis is an ordained deacon with his church.